Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to My New Blog!

   Welcome to my new blog! I thought I'd start off by introducing myself and explaining what I do and what plans I have for this blog. I hope I can do that without boring you too much.
I am an artist, plain and simple. I have been an artist professionally for 30 years now. However, in my my mind I have been an artist since I was 5 years old. Drawing, scribbling, and painting have been a part of me my entire life.
   Over the years I have tried many techniques and styles in order to "find" my own style. I have done everything and then some. Watercolor, gauche, oil, acrylic, pen and ink, pastel, airbrush, etc,etc,etc… However, I always seem to come back to my true love and that is simply drawing. I have always found that I like my drawings much more than I do my final paintings. That was until I learned Photoshop and I was introduced to the "Cintiq" which is basically a monitor that you can use a stylus pen to work directly on the screen. Although I still have all my paints and easels ready at any time I rarely use them anymore once I realized the joy of digital illustration. Most of the illustrations you will see on this blog are done by scanning in my finished drawing and finishing up the color and details in Photoshop. My plan is to show some of my art in rough sketch thumbnail stages as well as mid stages showing my progression and onto the final art so you will see my creative process.
   I have always admired artist that share their techniques and secrets so I have decided to do the same.
   I hope you enjoy this blog and lets enjoy the ride together!

Mike Lang

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